Workingman wrote:My sister was a blimp, but she drank gallons of diet pop to soothe her conscience. She would eat processed glop every day, but diet pop was her way of convincing herself that she was eating a balanced diet.
Drinking diet drinks is my way of controlling my sugar intake. Without it I'd be like my brother or I'd have to drink water or coffee (of which I drink far too much). Of course I could drink loads of my other favourite.... Lager..... Then instead of having a food belly I'd have a beer belly to end all beer bellies.....
It has long been known that Sugar in the system produces Insulin, which breaks down the glucose and stores it.
What is not so clearly know is:
Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source by inhibiting the release of glucagona low insulin level is the trigger for entering or leaving ketosis (the fat-burning metabolic phase).In short, if the body is bombarded with sugar, then it will do two things
1. Every ounce of fat entering the system will be stored
2. Every ounce of excess sugar will be stored and then converted to fat
The biggest disaster you can have is a pizza and chips with a half litre bottle of coke..... Every ounce of fat will be stored and you would have to exercise heavily for hours just to burn off the sugar so that you could start burning the fat off.
Of course the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges couldn't just say "Atkins was right" could they? No they have to say "ban the fizzy drinks, fast food and all the sweets".
In the end it all comes down to sugar management. Unfortunately sugar is also addictive. Almost as addictive as some drugs like nicotene, the body craves it.
Who's seen "Super Size Me"? Who actually watched the complete lack of understanding in the doctors, dieticians and everyone else as to the impact that uncontrolled sugar intake has on the human body? To say the "Experts" were "Shocked" is an understatement. Yet they all go back to the good old standards. Low Fat, 5 a day. All great slogans. All useless.
I prefer a different slogan. An unbalanced medical condition needs an unbalanced cure. Overweight or obesity is a medical condition which is out of balance. It was one of Atkins most revealing statements and one which is never repeated.
This whole stuff wearies me.
The reason they are trying to do the wrong thing is because they would have to admit they were wrong to do the right thing.....
Why am I still fat? Knowing this? Because I eat too much and I have a very unhealthy lifestyle. Some time I'll get 2 years at home, not working and I'll lose most of the weight I have gained over the last 2 decades.
I'm not fat because I drink diet drinks. I'm fat because I'm addicted to caffeine and sugary foods....