Drip, drip, drip

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Drip, drip, drip

Postby Suff » 02 Nov 2016, 19:38

We've had the press bleating about how, somehow, 1,600 "children" were "left behind" in the clearance of the Jungle at Calais. Apparently, by some unique form of transference, the UK is responsible for the French authorities somehow "missing" nearly 2,000 "children" when they cleared they site. Apparently they were invisible or something.

As time went on and Hollande tried trial by press on the UK and failed, the reality came out. The Authorities had left the containers there deliberately and had put these "children" in that situation to try and force the UK to take them.

Sadly for Hollande he is no longer dealing with Cameron, he is dealing with May. Her governments stance is "you do your job and we'll do ours". Meaning that the French have a duty to detain, register and house these illegal migrants until such time as a decision can be made. That requires interviewing all the illegals, fingerprinting them (whether they want it or not) and then documenting each and every illegal so the UK authorities can then work through the claims.

France has, notably, not done this. Greece has been more responsible than France in this respect. Now France is being forced, by the UK, to do it's duty to these people they allowed into their country. Once that is done the UK authorities will then process any requests which are valid and allow family to be reunited in the cases where the claim is valid.

I guess it's a bit of a shock for France after all that time with Blair and then Cameron. Now they are beginning to realise they have another Dame de Fer to deal with and are bowing to that reality.

Pity the press don't actually understand how they are being manipulated by Foreign governments. Then again they wouldn't be the press if they did, would they?
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Re: Drip, drip, drip

Postby Workingman » 02 Nov 2016, 21:12

It is all rather confused.

The 'Jungle' was an illegal camp, everyone agreed on that. Yet within it the French set up a 'Safe area' for unaccompanied juveniles. This was the camp-within-an illegal-camp of containers modified for human habitation - running water, cooking facilities, air-con.

How do the French even dare to criticise the UK?

They should have moved them, the children, immediately to safe accommodation the minute they were identified. It is what any compassionate country would do.
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