If anything proves we don't belong in the EU

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If anything proves we don't belong in the EU

Postby Suff » 06 Feb 2017, 22:59

The current drivel coming out of the MP's trying to derail the A50 bill says it all.

They are saying that they have to have a "vote" on the terms to avoid a cliff edge Brexit. Have any of them even read A50 of the Lisbon Treaty? Or got an aid to read it for them and regurgitated it in baby speak?

A50 triggers a one way exit chute. We climb out of the door and drop onto the chute. After that it's a one way drop to the exit door. During those 2 years we will negotiate the terms of the exit. In other words determining if we come off the end of the chute on the ground floor or the 443rd floor.

Great so far. So we will spend the better part of 18 months arguing and fighting and horse trading and sorting out a deal which will be approved by all 27 governments of the remainder of the EU. Then it will go to each of the governments for ratification. That is how ALL EU treaties and agreements work.

At this point there is, essentially, no going back. 6 months is not enough to open up the agreement, change it, get all 27 governments to agree to it in principle then force it through ratification of those same 27 governments and the UK government.

So those MP's who are demanding that they have a "vote" on any deal with the EU, to avoid a cliff edge Brexit, will be faced with a stark choice. Approve the deal or trigger a cliff edge Brexit.


No that's an insult to idiots. Deliberate stupidity is quite forced. Idiocy just is.
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