by Suff » 07 Mar 2017, 03:28
Before the Lisbon treaty the EU could have made this case. But since the Lisbon Treaty the Treaty on European Union clearly states that after the 2 year period, or when all remaining member states come to an agreement with the leaving state, should that occur before, the Treaties cease to apply.
If the EU were to go to the International court to demand money, they would have to have some argument that the very mechanism which allows a member state to leave is not valid.
I doubt very much that the Hague would rule that their own treaty was invalid just because they wanted more money.\
When you join a club which has rules and dues, the dues do not extend after you have left the club. All payments the UK makes are based on our membership of the EU and treaties and directives, within the EU, which we have agreed to whilst we are a member.
All the rest is nothing more than project fear.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.