Wouldn't it be ironic

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Wouldn't it be ironic

Postby Suff » 20 Jul 2017, 13:22

If the UK vote in council and parliament, were instrumental in having the Polish vote at the EU Council of Ministers revoked.

Thus reducing the EU27 to EU26 when voting on Brexit at the Council. Poland having been one of those who threatened to veto any deal that did not give Polish citizens full rights, for life, in the UK and full rights to bring their family in too.

It would also be another nail in the coffin driving voters back to the right wing parties. A timely reminder that the EU28 are not sovereign peers with a seat at the high table but subservient states with a voting card which may be withdrawn.

This one has been bubbling for a while now. I'm sure the Polish government thought that the EU would let things settle for a while during Brexit and then get back to it after.

A little voice of the recent past also.

Timmermans said any concerns that triggering article 7 would push Poland to follow the UK out of the union would not be an obstacle to the EU taking action. He insisted there was “no way” the Polish people would ever choose to leave the union.

I recall a few EU ministers saying that there was no way the people of the UK would leave the EU too.

Not such a slow news day today.
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