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Brendan Cox

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2018, 10:07
by cromwell
Brendan Cox. There's a lot that could be said but I'm glad that at last he has held his hands up to his bad behaviour.

There's a thread running through the tales of Harvey Weinstein, Brendan Cox and the Oxfam scandal. That of men who have power abusing it by attempting to coerce vulnerable women.

Cox is a hypocrite and a sleaze. He has always "strongly denied" these allegations until now. I wouldn't believe a word he said. He wasn't some 14 year old kid with raging hormones when this happened, he was a married man with children. Hopefully others who preach public virtue and behave quite differently in private will also get shown up.

Re: Brendan Cox

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2018, 11:03
by Suff
The reality of the fact, that our world has significant portions which are not very nice, has always been there.

The fact that it is now having a spotlight shown on it is a reality of the information age. It is way harder to hide in the information age. It is empowering the weak and bringing down the abusers.

Let us hope it does not tear everything else down with it too. This kind of thing has always been a small part of our society and remains that today. Whilst I want it eradicated I do not want to destroy the very fabric of the society which I grew up in.

Unfortunately I see people like Brendan Fox giving just that avenue to those who want to change my world forever.

Re: Brendan Cox

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2018, 14:00
by Workingman
Another one, but one who appears to have been able to hide behind the tragic murder of his wife on order to gain time for things to have been swept under the carpet.

His actions with Save the Children were never properly investigated so he was allowed to resign.

Re: Brendan Cox

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2018, 16:20
by medsec222
Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Why don't those around him speak up?

Re: Brendan Cox

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2018, 23:12
by TheOstrich
Workingman wrote:Another one, but one who appears to have been able to hide behind the tragic murder of his wife on order to gain time for things to have been swept under the carpet.

His actions with Save the Children were never properly investigated so he was allowed to resign.

I thought it was more that he was initially suspended and then resigned before Save the Children had completed their enquiries.

There have been too many cases in recent years - especially in the Police - of people under investigation just being able to resign and walk away ..... :evil: