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Another piece of project fear is dismissed

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2019, 14:53
by Suff
As the EU votes to give Brits Visa Free travel to the EU. Granted it's only for a short time, but it is a start. Remember they were telling us that we'd have to apply for a Visa just to cross the channel....

Another one bites the dust. Expect some more to fall over the next few weeks. Like flights...

Naturally Spain stirred the pot by insisting that Gib is called a Colony. They've done that so that they can go to the UN and demand that it is "decolonised", so they can "take it back". What is it with Spanish speaking countries and internationally recognised UK territories?

Re: Another piece of project fear is dismissed

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2019, 13:11
by cromwell
The latest one is that the Queen is going to be evacuated in the event of things turning nasty in no deal Britain.
All this is proving is that we are a corporacy, not a democracy. Big business counts, we don't.

Re: Another piece of project fear is dismissed

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2019, 13:45
by Workingman
I must admit that all of these 'projects', from both sides, are more than tiresome.

The UK said ages ago that EU citizens would not require visas for short stays so this is simply reciprocity in action.

And of course there will be more of this as time goes on. It is not one side winning nor the other caving in, it is pragmatism writ large.

Re: Another piece of project fear is dismissed

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2019, 16:40
by Suff
Workingman wrote:And of course there will be more of this as time goes on. It is not one side winning nor the other caving in, it is pragmatism writ large.

Yes but the point is that we all knew that pragmatism was going to happen because the cost to everyone would be too high. Yet we were told, over and over again, not just by the UK government but by the EU, that pragmatism would not happen. Hence the panic of the UK citizens in all those EU countries.