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A comedian ... as "President"!

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2019, 14:08
by Workingman
The political media is having a great time poking fun at Ukrainians for electing a TV celebrity as their President.

It's not on, you know. Leaders have to be serious people, from a political dynasty, and / or have a degree in PPE or some other meaningless subject. Ordinary folk cannot possibly make good Presidents, Chancellors or Prime Ministers - it's the rule, their rule.

But hang on. His father was a university lecturer in telecommunications technology and he has a law degree. He just happens to have chosen acting as his day job. And let us not forget that the likes of Gordon Brown, Theresa May, Tony Blair and John Major et al were much more qualified and ace problem solvers, weren't they?

Unlike his predecessors Volodymyr Zelenskiy appears to be a pragmatist with regards to Ukraine's "Russian Problem" and is prepared to talk rather than bluster. He might just be the sort of person to help solve the problem even though the media will not like it. They would much prefer a "professional" in the job.