Interesting times.
Over the past few days Ed Miliband has said that Labour was not listening over immigration. IDS says he wants to limit their access to benefits. Cleggy wants certain of them to pay a deposit on entry to be collected on exit and Dave now wants to stop them getting social housing for between three and five years. Nothing concrete, just wishes.
Have they admitted to any of their doing wrong by the British people? Have they all been converted on the road to Damascus?
Have they Hell!
What has happened is Eastleigh. What has happened is the rise and rise of UKIP.
UKIP has always had at least a stance on immigration and Farage has recently said it will now be attacking Labour on just that subject. The BNP has had a more racist approach to immigration and for that reason the big three have always known that we British would not turn to it in droves. They do not have that guarantee from us with UKIP, as Eastleigh showed, and so we get the 'Weasel words' conversions.
Well, Dave and Nick and Ed, I might have had a conversion of my own..... and so might many others.