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Captain Cook

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2021, 14:13
by cromwell
Old Cookie is the next target of the Stop Trump Coalition, a rag-bag of college lecturers and momentum "activists" who believe that the British people should be made to face up to our wicked colonial past.
They want Cook's statues taken down (good luck with taking the one in Whitby down!) and his name removed from streets, public buildings etc.

I know some history, and I'm not troubled by it. Things were as they were back then and they are different now.
Anyone who judges people in the 18th century by the values of the 21st isn't being very realistic.

If the left wing activists had any following in Britain they could stand for election, but they don't; they can't get any power that way.
So they shout and squeal endlessly, trying to guilt trip people about things that happened more than three hundred years since.
Unlucky, I'm not having any.

Re: Captain Cook

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2021, 15:31
by Workingman
cromwell wrote:Unlucky, I'm not having any.

Nor me.

I could make out a good argument for these edifices, statues and street names to remain as a reminder of the actions people can take when they play to the rules of the time. Yes, the rules might have been wrong and they can and will change as knowledge is gained, and it it that process that should be being promoted - the fact that we can learn from our mistakes and do better.

Eradicating history does not change what happened, it just hides it. That leaves things open for similar actions to happen again because, well, we didn't know, did we?

Re: Captain Cook

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2021, 15:41
by Suff
I have news for the BLM and WOKE crowd. One day they will be history, centuries in the past. Those in the future will look at it and say "what a bunch of bigots" then tear down all the reminders of that time and erase the history.

That thought keeps me warm at night when we live in all this change which is screamed at the top of people's lungs.

Unfortunately I won't live to see it, but I would very much consider cryosleep if it were available. Just to experience the "new thing" tearing at the heart of the "current thing".

Unfortunately we are just too many decades away from that kind of longevity. I might consider having a good go at haunting though....

Re: Captain Cook

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2021, 15:52
by medsec222
We can't erase history we can only learn from it. Our statues and monuments of our past should be left alone.