Rape culture?

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Rape culture?

Postby Workingman » 30 Mar 2021, 13:44

We have always had crimes of a sexual nature and we have never really dealt with them seriously Touching up, groping, pinched bums, mostly by men against women, were once just seen as 'a bit of fun' when actually they were very traumatic for those on the receiving end. We are now, thankfully, taking them much more seriously and at last making an attempt to punish the perpetrators properly.

But a widespread "Rape Culture"? I am not sure such language is helpful. By all means call these other actions sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual abuse and deal with them on those terms, but calling out "Rape!" at every turn diminishes the meaning of what is a heinous crime.

Rape is an attack on the mind and body and is often violent: always controlling. Don't throw it in and hide it with other crimes. It is a uniquely dangerous and life changing crime in its own right and we should keep it that way, and deal with is on those terms.
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