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Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2021, 13:35
by Workingman
Just look at these pictures.

It is depressing looking at all that. Look at the general demographic. They are young, the ones some of are trying to save the planet for, yet here they are trashing it! It's not unique, either. We have had the beaches and beauty spots, protests and marches.

They had the means to take all that crap there so they had the means to take it away again - no excuses.

I have been a bit more than mildly interested in environmental issues for all my adult life, though not a zealot, but scenes like these make me wonder 'why bother?'

Honestly, I would use water cannon with indelible dye on these idiots so that they can be identified and made to put in many hours of cleaning up littering of all descriptions. Get them out on the roads, rivers, canals, hills and fields and make them work. Do it in all weathers as well.

Re: Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2021, 15:56
by Kaz
I couldn't agree more!

Re: Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2021, 19:16
by TheOstrich
It's certainly depressing and speaks volumes about the society we live in. We have a dedicated voluntary group of litter-pickers here in town; they fill sackfills regularly and the problem seems to be getting worse. It's mainly Costa coffee cups, beer cans and takeaways.

Re: Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2021, 10:20
by cromwell
Same here Os. One man in the village and his helpers regularly go around litter picking.
They are actually getting worse, these people. Now they are having bbq's on beaches and in parks and leaving all the ashes, discarded food, cans bottles.
Scruffy sods, and yes, hypocrites too.

Re: Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2021, 14:35
by Suff
We started to notice this in the highlands of Scotland. The more accessible the hills became, the more crap we found up there. It is one thing finding that humans have messed up their towns and cities with the crap they bring with them. It is another thing entirely to find that 1,000 feet up a mountain in a totally remote place, people have decided to come up and dump their crap all over the place.

I am no longer surprised by it. That is how people grow up now. They will have to live with it when we are gone.

Re: Take your damned rubbish home!

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2021, 15:07
by Workingman
The thing I really do not understand is this: these people buy their sarnies, chocolates, crisps, water, pop and beer and have the means to transport it to wherever, then when it is empty and much lighter they cannot be bothered to put the packaging stuff back in whatever they used to take it there and take it home. They just dump it. What is wrong with them?

Whenever we went to the beach or park or river we were made to make our patch spotless before we left. Most people did. We didn't need "Keep Britain Tidy" posters back then, it was what came naturally.