At several locations in France between 4am and mid day, fibre trunks for a large section of the telecoms traffic in France were destroyed. They didn't just cut the fibre trunks, they took segments out of them up to 6 feet in length.
It took me several hours to get connected and performance is extremely poor right now. At the moment, in the home, we have no landline and no internet. They both work through the livebox and that can't start because it can't get a fibre signal.
The mobile networks are massively impacted, Orange are down to 2g, others have 3g and 4g services but they are completely hammered and giving almost no performance.
Fortunately I bought a 5g phone last year and there is a brand new (I tested up to the end of the year and nothing), 5G network. Because it is so new very few people have 5g and I'm able to get on and get some bandwidth. Earlier today it was around dial up modem speed. Incredible how impossible it is to use that on modern 21st century services like Office365. However speed is ramping up a bit. Now it is like a second generation ADSL box. Slow, buggy but almost viable for simple stuff.
For now the French have no idea who did it. Only that it was done in 10 minute intervals to cause a gradual drop off in service. Orange claim they were not impacted and Bouygues Telecom said the same. My Orange service is off and my very iffy 5g connection is Bouygues Telecom. I am also 450km from Paris and Far West of it, yet the links from Paris which were attacked were to Lyon and the east.
At this time I have no idea when our service will come back.