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Postby Suff » 28 Jun 2022, 17:28

I missed one name from the following epistle.

had nothing to say about the cost-of-living crisis. Not a word on increases in gas and electricity bills now or in the future. Zilch on food bills. Nada on health service waiting times. Discussion of declining standards in education and the widening attainment gap was missing.

You might think the author of said article is talking about our perambulating haystack. Right?

In fact the name which is missing from the front of this damning indictment was Nicola Sturgeon. It follows with.

No news. Instead we got a repeat. Indyref the remake – again. Like watching an old black and white movie on BBC Two on a rainy afternoon, where the celluloid may have faded but the performances have not.

It seems the Tory MSP wants a little more than the Indyref mantra. Not surprising since the Scottish Tory party does have Unionist in the name.

At some point the reporters on this little drama may remember that 36% of Scottish voters voted to leave the EU. That means that 36% are a guaranteed show on Indyref day and a Guaranteed NO. Leaving Sturgeon to convince the other 64% that independence and a life in the EU is the way to go. A very long and hard uphill climb.

Just as voters didn't vote for independence due to a fear of the future outside the UK, a large chunk of that 64% will still fear leaving the UK without Scotland already being on the accession list for the EU. If they were paying attention to Ukraine, they would realise it's a long list and the one sure way to get on it is to be invaded by Russia. Not something, I'm sure, most Scots would vote for.

It would appear that it is not only the Westminster government that has no answer to rising food and energy costs. This is hardly a surprise given that all of these drivers come from outside the UK and the EU and neither the UK nor the EU have any real say in where these prices are going.

Although I do malign Westminster. I read today that Westminster is talking about reducing the quality standards for offshore gas by 1%, netting 1bn cubic feet of extra gas reserves which could then be used but are currently blocked by our quality standards. Apparently the rest of Europe already applies this 1% lower standard..
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