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When cash goes

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2023, 21:42
by cromwell
And a central bank digital currency is introduced, this is what will happen. (CBDC = all your money is on line, on your card, all trackable).

CBDC is the perfect way for any dictatorship to lock down its people by limiting where and on what they can spend money.

Is there a need to boost the economy ? No problem, simply attach an expiry date to your money. If you don't spend x amount in x period of time, you get fined.

What about restricting people's movements, keeping them in their 15 minute city* ? No problem, your money is only valid within 10 miles from your home.

Do you want to enforce eating a mainly plant based diet? No problem, your money can only purchase one 8oz piece of meat per week.

Want to restrict car use to meet net zero targets? No problem, your money can only purchase 5 litres of fuel per week.

Worried about obesity? No problem, your money will no longer work in mcdonalds etc.

Have someone posted wrongspeak on line? Shut them down by turning off their money for a one week punishment.
For those who say it's so much easier with a card - be careful what you wish for.

*Fifteen minute city. An idea coming from the American billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Everything you need is within a fifteen minute walk of your house. So you don't need to use your car outside of that. In fact, you're not allowed to. The city of Oxford is now working on plans to do just this. So is Canterbury.

Re: When cash goes

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2023, 21:53
by Suff
It is the reason the establishment and the markets hate crypto.

They have no control over crypto and therefore want to remove it from the picture.

It is no wonder Russian money went into Bitcoin and pushed it, forever, over $10.

Re: When cash goes

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2023, 14:53
by Workingman
Crypto might seem a safe space, for now, but if TPTB ever decide that it needs to be controlled in the same way that 'real' money is then it will be.