Posted: 08 Jan 2023, 11:52
I have been hearing about this for a while now but only today did I hear that it has now reached higher than average marks on the US SAT'S.
As a test I asked it to do something for me. To create something I have had to do many times in my career. For those who program this will be obvious, for those who do not, it took me over an hour to write this the first time I did it (recursive programming with arrays takes a bit of thought) and I have to refer back every time.
I asked it to write me a program in VB6 to recursively scan a directory folder and put the results in an array.
It wrote the code in front of my eyes in about 2 minutes.
This is where the world is going. AI driven advances are going to be very fast until we reach the limit of mining other peoples work on the Internet then human innovation will need to bridge the gaps. But humans will be bridging the gaps, not wasting their time building the roads. Which will also drive innovation faster.
This is very technical but you could equally request it to write you an essay on the political dynamics of the punic wars. I did and hit some limitations but all information with each request was delivered in 2 minutes. You could split up the ask between parts of the information given and within about 1 hour have produced a rough outline of the essay you need to deliver. With all the requirements for further study.
My guess is that someone with average intelligence and ChatGPT could get a correspondence degree fairly easily.
As a test I asked it to do something for me. To create something I have had to do many times in my career. For those who program this will be obvious, for those who do not, it took me over an hour to write this the first time I did it (recursive programming with arrays takes a bit of thought) and I have to refer back every time.
I asked it to write me a program in VB6 to recursively scan a directory folder and put the results in an array.
It wrote the code in front of my eyes in about 2 minutes.
This is where the world is going. AI driven advances are going to be very fast until we reach the limit of mining other peoples work on the Internet then human innovation will need to bridge the gaps. But humans will be bridging the gaps, not wasting their time building the roads. Which will also drive innovation faster.
This is very technical but you could equally request it to write you an essay on the political dynamics of the punic wars. I did and hit some limitations but all information with each request was delivered in 2 minutes. You could split up the ask between parts of the information given and within about 1 hour have produced a rough outline of the essay you need to deliver. With all the requirements for further study.
My guess is that someone with average intelligence and ChatGPT could get a correspondence degree fairly easily.