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The riots in France. Again

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2023, 18:37
by cromwell
The "youths" are kicking off again after the French police shot a young man dead in a traffic stop.
Cars burned, shops looted and a clip of one man firing an AK47 into the air.

This isn't mine but I think it sums up the situation beautifully.

France and Britain have the same 'issues'. The difference is that to greater extent France face the problems head on.
As many will know, the French police are not to be messed with. You have millions of people who live in France - but who openly despise the society in which they live.
They are wilfully hostile to any form of authority and will accept no criticism of their 'beliefs'.
That's a recipe for disaster. Britain's supine police - for the sake of 'community relations' - looks the other way. As do most politicians. With equally disastrous consequences. But at some future point both countries will have stop fooling themselves about the mirage that is 'multiculturalism' . France before us by the looks of it.

Re: The riots in France. Again

PostPosted: 30 Jun 2023, 21:14
by Workingman
The quote is wrong. It is not "multiculturalism", as any view of our TV adverts or a scan of news article images is will show. We in the UK are the most diverse society in the Universe - we are all 'besties' - aren't we?.

Also, what the quoter is afraid to do, same as the media, slebs, "charities" and politicians, is to tell us the truth. S/he is as complicit as those S/he rails against. Coward.

Skin colour and ethnicity are not the real problems - religion is. That religion is Islam. Not all its followers, it has to be said, but certainly the 'orthodox' hardliners.

Think IS, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and many others.

Democracies have opened their arms to these people as asylum seekers (bogus) and refugees (bogus) and economic migrants (illegal) and many of them hate us and our ways of life.

Muslims make up 10% of French society and ~5% of the UK and when a few kick off many more follow. That is what we are witnessing.

I expect an early hours knock on the door...

Re: The riots in France. Again

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2023, 07:29
by medsec222
Any day now Frank you will have your bank account cancelled :D

Re: The riots in France. Again

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2023, 10:32
by cromwell
The possiblities for control when cash gets abolished are chilling.

Earlier this year though (back to the rioters) a 12 year old girl was horribly murdered by someone of North African Arab extraction. The ordinary French people did not riot.
Maybe they should have.