We now hear that the manufacturing sector is doing well, inflation is reaching a plateau and that not only did we not have a triple dip recession but, in fact, the figures for 2011/13, on review, will be revised up and it may be that we have had no recession at all under the Coalition.
Now my memory is not very good and I haven't had a good look for the figures. But as I recall it, the ONS figures for Labour were Always revised down. Yet the ONS figures for the Tories have Always been revised up. Without fail!
The Labour party has made much hay about the so called "recessions" or near recessions due to the Tory Austerity policies. Yet, it would appear, that the good stewardship of this government has actually navigated a very choppy sea in terms of World and EU markets. In fact the Eurozone is now descending into a very serious recession specifically because they did not embrace austerity overall and address the overspending inherent in every country in the Eurozone.
Were I Osborne, I'd be asking for resignations for "comprehensively failing in their duty". Although they have been extremely successful in handing out political influence....