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The economic guessing game.

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2024, 15:13
by Workingman
The BoE has kept interest rates at 5.25% - for now. One of the nine members voted for a drop, two voted for a rise, six voted to hold. However, the forecast was for inflation to drop then rise later in the year. It would open the door to a decrease but do not expect much below 4.75%.

Meanwhile some in the markets think inflation will go to 2% or lower, while others think it will get to about 3% and then rise.

In other words, it really is a guessing game.

Re: The economic guessing game.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2024, 11:08
by Suff
There are so many external factors they have no clue.

Right now it looks like someone in the Biden camp has decided another war is a good election win.

Inflation won't go down in that scenario.

Re: The economic guessing game.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2024, 12:18
by Workingman
What would be good is if we had steadiness in the economy, at whatever level, so that we ordinary bods could plan things for ourselves. It's all these ups and downs that cause problems for many of us, and we are the economy.

I am not proposing a command economy as per China, but we do need to rein in the spivs, chancers and pop-up businesses whose only aim is to make money - short and long term. A bit of renationalisation would not go amiss IMHO.

Re: The economic guessing game.

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2024, 00:28
by Suff
Well they can't even kill short selling where unscrupulous people literally manipulate the market to make billions and force steady investors to panic and lose money.

If they can't/won't fix that what hope do we have with anything more sensible?