Smart phones

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Smart phones

Postby saundra » 11 Apr 2024, 15:32

Government trying to stop kids under 18 from buying smart phones and access to the internet
Don't stand a chance of that working
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Workingman » 11 Apr 2024, 18:07

Saundra, I think it is 16, but that's by-the-bye.

18 is the youngest age at which anyone can take out a phone contract so that must mean parents are funding their children's surfing habits. How can anyone solve that issue? It's their money and they are their children.

The genie will not be put back in the bottle.

Instagram is to start blurring nude photos to those under 16, but how can they definitely define a users' age? It would take '1984' levels of user surveillance.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Kaz » 11 Apr 2024, 21:54

Workingman wrote:The genie will not be put back in the bottle.

This sums it up
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Re: Smart phones

Postby cruiser2 » 12 Apr 2024, 19:57

Everybody has a smart phone.

While waiting forthe bus to come home today an elderly lady got her phoneoutto check when the bus would arrive. Everybody elsewas just waiting patiently.

And a young woman on the bus was making a phone call and everybody could hear what she wasssaying.

I don't always cary mine when I am going out shopping.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Workingman » 19 Apr 2024, 12:52

Just coming back to this.

A new report from Ofcom says that a quarter of 5 - 7 year-olds have smart phones.

Well, they don't have money. even for PAYG, so mum and dad must be paying on contract... and are the registered owners. Now, it depends on the permissions mum and dad allow as to where Jemima and Johnny can go, but most parents do not know. Are you over 18? Yes - the phone confirms it - so off they go - porn whoopee.

Some 38% of these children use WhatApp, Instagram and Tik Tok, and with their parent's consent.

So, I ask, what chance has the government got of controlling them?

Answer: None.

Do they go to Sky News. BBC. ITN, Reuters. NY Times, Sydney Herald etc. for info? No. they go to the echo chambers where they are fed conspiracy theories by nut jobs and 'influencers'.

It's a scary future.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby cromwell » 19 Apr 2024, 13:39

It's just another silly idea put out to make a headline.

They thing that surprises me is that more teenagers aren't run over whilst staring at their phones and walking down the road. I've seen quite a few step off the pavement, oblivious to their surroundings and to any traffic.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Workingman » 19 Apr 2024, 14:06

Teenagers, do be brief!

There are phone zombies of every age, everywhere.

Go anywhere and Jemima will be telling Sophie about her latest coffee, dress, mascara.... and Sophie will wander out into the road; oblivious.

Jem's mascara is so much more important.

Then there's Elsie and her varicose veins. Godfrey is so concerned he missed the beeps on the Pelican and got run over.

Phones. Just leave them at home.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby miasmum » 20 Apr 2024, 07:58

Not much point in a mobile phone if you leave it at home :lol: :lol:

Just keep it in your pocket
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Workingman » 20 Apr 2024, 09:52

I don't have a landline anymore so need a mobile smartphone.

What I do not need is to be connected to the Universe every hour that God sends.
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Re: Smart phones

Postby Suff » 21 Apr 2024, 13:32

I guess that depends on where you get your entertainment from and your news.

I watch zero live TV and perhaps 2h of recorded TV a week on average.

I have an equivalent feeling for people who rot their brains with "un-" TV.

Yet, apparently, this is "normal" and a great topic of conversation.

In contrast the Internet has unparalleled information, video content and amusement for everyone.
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