Oh the migrant irony.

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Re: Oh the migrant irony.

Postby cromwell » 02 May 2024, 13:35

Perhaps we should remember the late Peter Sutherland.
He was the United Nation's Special Representative for International Migration from 2006 - 2017.
His career encompassed spells as a European Commisioner, working for Goldman Sachs bank and as founding director of the World Trade Organisation. He also served on the Trilateral Commission and on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.

In 2012 Peter Sutherland gave a speech to a Huse of Lords sub-committee, during which he said that the EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states,.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

So there you go. The UN for years has been advocating for mass imigration into Europe. It has now certainly been successful in achieving that.
I think we can agree that the homogeneity of Ireland has been comprehensively undermined.

Imo it is supra-national bodies that are to blame here, not "the English". Look at the people that Peter Sutherland worked for.
By the way - Peter Sutherland was an Irishman, born in Dublin.
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Re: Oh the migrant irony.

Postby medsec222 » 02 May 2024, 14:09

I was reading today that a coach which was collecting illegal immigrants from a Best Western Hotel in London to transport them to the Bibby Stockholm was surrounded by protestors with the intention to stop the coach 'taking our friends to the Bibby Stockholm'. They were calling for more protestors to aid their cause. It seems whatever the Government tries to do to manage the problem there is always somebody who will try to stop them. Do we open our borders and let all in who wish to come in? I think the people of Ireland are quite right to voice their concerns vigorously as it seems their concerns are listened to. Unless those in the UK who are concerned about the effect of mass immigration do likewise the situation will get steadily worse. There is a fine line between welcoming immigrants and passively standing by and watching the country change at an increasingly alarming rate.
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Re: Oh the migrant irony.

Postby Suff » 02 May 2024, 18:54

Workingman wrote:
Suff wrote:Sometimes you gotta love the CJEU. It will block Ireland from sending these immigrants back to the UK.

No it wont. Ireland states that the UK is a "safe place" to which asylum seekers can be returned and has been approved. The EU and CJEU will back Ireland.

The UK is not now a member of the EU, thanks to Brexshits.

If the end result is Rwanda, then the CJEU will not vote to allow the deportation. That was the whole problem we had with them, because we could not Guarantee that deporting them would lead to a nice comfy and safe life, they couldn't be deported.

Now Ireland is going to have to face the NGO's pouring billions into Irish courts to stop the illegals being deported to the UK because they will go straight to Rwanda. Because the NGO's lost that battle in the UK.
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