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Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2024, 17:05
by Workingman
He's become leader of Reform and hopes to be the MP for Clacton.

It's 70 miles by road to Westmonster and he has to go via Colchester, Chelmsford and the East End. He should be OK till the gets to the Tower, then all bets are off. Get your chopper out Nige, and make sure it is fully loaded.

Eight times (to be) a failure, but the next UK PM!

Deluded. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2024, 21:02
by Suff
He can have his dreams. They will be shattered but then that's politics.

On the other hand he could wind up as kingmaker and that's not a bad place to be.

More likely he'll wind up as street sweeper.

Politics 101.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2024, 22:44
by Workingman
Suff wrote:On the other hand he could wind up as kingmaker and that's not a bad place to be.

What, like the Green loner Caroline Lucas, their only MP? At least she was an MP.

Nige is a blethering idiot, Johnson 2.0, who talks nonsense, but he does it loquaciously = verbal diarrhoea.

If he was a trans female she'd be up there with Liz and Suella.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 10:07
by cromwell
I don't think Farage will change much either way.

The outcome of this election was decided a long time ago, nothing's going to change now.

On the 23rd December 2021 Rishi Sunak registered his "ready for Rishi" website. This was a full six months before Boris johnson stood down. unfortunately for Mr Sunak, Conservative members decided that they weren't ready for Rishi and voted for Liz Truss instead.
So then Tory MP's decided that the members were wrong, got rid of Truss and installed Sunak instead.

Installing Sunak has proved to be a catastrophically bad decision. Tory MPs plotted to remove the member's favourite, Johnson, and then the members choice, Truss.
Effectively Tory MPs have massvely disrespected and upset their own members, the people who stuff leaflets through letterboxes for them, who campaign for them.

How's that going? Five points behind with Johnson, twenty five points behind with Sunak.

They have slumped back into "centrism" aka Blairism. They barely appear to be conservative at all.
And now in a desperate last throw of the dice they are promising this, that and the other. Promising to cap immigration. Promising to push back against trans activism. promising more GP surgeries. Promising new apprenticeships.

Nobody is listening. There is no enthusiasm for Starmer like there initially was for Tony Blair, but he's going to win easily.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 12:55
by medsec222
I expect the whole Nation will be eagerly tuned in to the great debate tonight. Not.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 13:02
by saundra
More me

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 14:12
by Kaz
Crommers, I don’t think it will be quite the landslide predicted by the YouGov poll, but it will be a Labour win.

Not at all bothered by Farage, he’s just one MP, even if he does win *shrugs* :lol:

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 14:34
by Workingman
If they were "debates" I might give them a go, but they are not, so I am out.

All they are are a series of viewpoints from each participant with no real discussion or questioning / rebuttals from either the other participants or the referee.

"Slanging matches" would be a better title.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 22:28
by Suff
Not appealing. I was going to avoid. Now it is more certain.

Re: Poor Nigel.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2024, 13:15
by Workingman
Oh no, more polls! :roll:

An 'either / or' snap poll after the slanging match put Sunhat in the lead 51% - 49%. Two more taken this morning had Starmer in the lead. One was 44% - 39% with 17% as don't knows, the other was Starmer 53% - 33% with 14% as don't knows.

How can anyone can predict anything from these polls when only 7% of us could be bothered to watch? More of us watched The Great British Sewing Bee. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I watched the women's football: France v England 1 - 2 to England. :D