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Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2024, 22:07
by Suff
Macron has called a snap election for June 30th when his party was massacred by RN (nationall rally, was Le Pen's party but the leader is now Jordan Bordella), when RN is predicted to come out with Twice the votes of Macron's party.

Sadly I'm in the UK till the end of the first week in July so the election will be over.

Never enough popcorn at a time like this and I'm on a diet anyway.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2024, 23:53
by Workingman
The EU going mild right might not be a bad thing if it stops the "migrants". Something has to be done to stop them. No benefits, no housing, no NHS, you came here illegally: tough luck.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2024, 08:39
by medsec222
Agree totally Frank. And this is one area where all European countries should be working together. We don't need to be joined at the hip to tackle a problem which is common to all of us.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2024, 12:58
by Suff
We shall see how the French election goes WM.

However the EPP still won the EU elections and they are already working out how to keep VDL in place. More of the same.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2024, 14:00
by Workingman
Meant to say "illegal" immigrants, but as for the rest...

The latest figures show that 22.3% of working age UK residents are economically inactive, that's about three million, yet there are 904,000 job vacancies.

Despite that, companies claim that they cannot get staff, so immigrants are essential!

OK businesses, if the above is true, bring them in as time limited expatriate workers. Sort out their housing, education and healthcare. Pay for their upkeep if you really cannot find the same skilled UK workers, and prove it! I think that if that was the law things would change, Most of the 700,000+ migrants let in year-on-year are not skilled, they are just workers. Many of our unemployed have the same skill sets, or could get them with simple training - use them. Force them if necessary.

I have been an expatriate worker a few times and all my employers had to fund me, but then I had skills the locals did not have. That is not the case in the UK. We are being conned by business.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2024, 14:39
by Workingman
I was also a Literacy and Numeracy tutor for a local college for a while.

The standards I met in both were abysmal - how did they leave school?

Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions - "What?"

Percentages, geometry - "Hypotenuse" Give me a break.

It amazes me that supposedly "thick" kids can navigate the intricacies of smartphones in minutes, yet cannot grasp basic English or Maths. Oh, I get it, they are interested, it's new, hip, the thing. Being intelligent for the sake of it, that's old hat.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2024, 20:42
by Workingman
Oh dear, the racist, xenophobic and nationalistic party, Reform, are now only one point behind the racist, xenophobic and nationalistic Tories. Now there's a thing. What a country we live in!

Well done Cameron, you really sorted that out... and got us the Johnson's Breakshit to boot.

An oven-ready thrashing is on the cards... and you hold them all.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2024, 22:34
by Suff
Workingman wrote:Oh dear, the racist, xenophobic and nationalistic party, Reform, are now only one point behind the racist, xenophobic and nationalistic Tories. Now there's a thing. What a country we live in!

Well done Cameron, you really sorted that out... and got us the Johnson's Breakshit to boot.

An oven-ready thrashing is on the cards... and you hold them all.

Oh they are going to get thrashed all right. About as much as most of the other governments in power during Covid are getting thrashed. Illegal immigration, browbeating, claiming they can't do anything about it, focusing on 16m genders. Oddly most voters don't like it.

Re: Snap elections all round

PostPosted: 11 Jun 2024, 22:36
by Suff
Workingman wrote:Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions - "What?"

Yeah about that. I have decided that these are words which are used to teach people how to use English, read and write English. Once you know how to use, read and write English they have little function apart from telling people they don't know what they are doing.

They are leaving my lexicon. I don't even bother to try and remember them any more.

But they ARE important for learning the damned language.