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Sunsreen, the latest scare.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2024, 19:51
by Workingman
Lather yourself in the stuff and you will be fine... so long as it's the right stuff - expensive is not the best.

Which? says so. Forget the brands just go with the claims.

Dad was a sailor and had the best idea, 10 mins in the sun, 15 mins out. Repeat day after day. Plenty of suntan lotion. After a few days you were invincible.

Re: Sunsreen, the latest scare.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2024, 23:58
by jenniren
Sadly it isn't that easy WM. Ed has had malignant melanoma, a cancer that can metastasis and even when removed as his was, can come back many years later. Much as we love the sun and like to holiday in hotter countries, it's absolutely essential he wears a proven F50 sunscreen, wears a hat and generally avoids sitting in direct sunlight without some shade.

Re: Sunsreen, the latest scare.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2024, 10:16
by Workingman
Jen, there are individual instances such as Ed's and they are a concern. I totally understand that.

What prompted my post were reports that some sunsceen claims are not as veriified. We are being conned.

I never use them and go with Dad's System.

Go out, come in, Nivea, out again, repeat,

Re: Sunsreen, the latest scare.

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2024, 18:43
by Suff
Last time I used sunscreen was in the Carib. The sun is simply too strong and burns me. I am pretty much tanned all year round because we get sufficient sun in Jan Feb and in Oct - Dec to keep a tan going.

So I don't use sunscreen any more than the vast majority of the French do. If you go to French campsites sunscreen is banned from the pools. It clogs the sand filters and I can tell you that is a cast iron bitch to deal with.