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Same old Excuse.Same old Rhetoric.

PostPosted: 15 May 2013, 17:59
by KateLMead
I am sick to death of the constant rhetoric and blame for the state of the NHS being laid at the feet of the elderly.
Every day the damned BBC government and media blame the elderly for the state of it and it's failings.
Nothing to do with the millions of foreigners who have been allowed to invade our country courtesy of Blair and Brown.
The way to get rid of those old burdens on the state has now supposedly had the Kibosh put on the administrators, and those chief executives who previously authorised their form of Pathway..
And now we have young English qualified doctors working in pubs or going overseas due to the fact that having qualified they cannot get a position in our hospitals. No senior doctors in A@E but newly inexperienced qualified doctors doing the job, whilst GP's and those out of hours doctors are roping in £1,350 a shift..

Re: Same old Excuse.Same old Rhetoric.

PostPosted: 15 May 2013, 18:34
by Workingman
The story about the crisis in A&E has been bubbling up since the weekend.

The problems there are manifold: from the elderly not being able to be sent home because home social care has all but vanished; to too many of us using it as an alternative to a GP because appointments are hard to come by.

Somewhere in the middle of all that lies the disaster that is now A&E. But guess what? It is not NHS managers, politicians, GPs or the system that are to blame, oh no, it's us!

The thing is that A&E is there 24/7/365 and when there is nowhere else to turn to it becomes the de facto safety net and panacea of all ills.

Re: Same old Excuse.Same old Rhetoric.

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 08:17
by KateLMead
I created Holy Hell in our local hospital following my appointment in January being forwarded to June.. I had been treated for Bowens and a very similar problem came up on my face. The manager was a pompous individual who when I complained stated that they had not had a dermatologist for months and had only just obtained the services of two new ones..
I knew that this was a LIE and I told him so..
He really got niggly until I then stated that I would get hold of the press and expose his lies to patients.. He immediately got hold of his manager who phoned me within ten minutes..
Guess what, an appointment was given to me in our county hospital two days later.
No good keeping quiet.. Raise the roof if you have to. ;)
As my darling husband used to say.. "I would be put down within 24 hours if ever I was admitted to hospital"!!