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Stupid is as stupid does

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 03:07
by Suff
The Boston bomber is being charges with multiple offences including using a "weapon of mass destruction".

This is insane. WMD are a very small category. They kill hundreds of thousands or millions of people. Just because it carries huge penalties does not warrant using it.

What are they going to do next? When the US drops a bomb which kills 100 people are they going to be charged in the UN with using weapons of mass destruction? Can we then attack them and take their government over.

This kind of stupidity is madness.

He let of a terrorist bomb. That should be enough to put him away for the rest of his life. Or death row in the states which support it.

Is this not enough?

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 05:18
by Rodo
There is an obssession with that phrase isn't there? Especially in America. We came to hear about it from Blair, following the lead of George Bush. Of course, what the States accuses other people of and what it does itself are two very different things.

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 08:44
by Workingman
The "mass" in WMD refers to a number, an unknown number. Is it a few, lots or many? Is an assault rifle a WMD, or a grenade, or maybe an Apache helicopter, how about an aircraft carrier?

As Rodo says it is an overused phrase, an attempt to grade the depravity of the crime. Another one is "hate crime". I do not even begin to know how that works.

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

PostPosted: 11 Jul 2013, 12:31
by cromwell
It's all part of the war on TERROR!!. Suff is right, the bombing should be enough to get him life in jail without the implication that he used an H-Bomb.