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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 08:16
by KateLMead
As much as I am against the open door policy regarding Romanians, Bulgarians and others entering this country with impunity
My heart ached for the Romanians filmed on Benefits Street last night.
The ruthless gang masters who promise them a new way of life, jobs and accommodation get away with their lies and the police do nothing
Reducing these people to paupers fourteen living in one three bed roomed house, under bridges parks with the promise of good money, in the case of last nights programme with the promise of £40 a day in reality for working a full day £10.00 and a reign of fear should they expose these ruthless criminals who brought them here following false promises.
I feel very very sorry for these men "who state they did not come here with bad intentions, whose wives and children are left behind believing that their future was going to be brighter.
As for those damnable English wastes of space on the street, I would give them nothing other than a job cleaning up the filth they create and live in.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 09:45
by Kaz
It is awful Kate, bettering yourself is a normal and laudable instinct, and people who exploit that in others are lower than the low :(

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 09:57
by KateLMead
I agree with what you say Kaz, terrible misery. There has to be an answer to this atrocious situation like these poor trafficked women.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 10:58
by JoM
It didn't make very comfortable viewing at all did it, Kate.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 12:02
by KateLMead
No it didn't, and it puts their needs a bit more into perspective,I was reduced to feeling guilty about my condemnation
Of these people. "Man's inhumanity to man" dominates my mind. As for the English wasters I would put them on the streets
Or put them 14 to a house with no money.. I find them disgusting.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 13:24
by Workingman
With regards to the British on benefits, I feel nothing towards them; I do not despise them, nor do I feel sorry for them. They are, quite simply, the product and a not so unforeseen consequence of the way those in power have operated the welfare state, dumbed down education and changed the psyche of society.

As for Bulgarians and Romanians.... There are "agencies" set up who will only deal with those nationalities - nobody else. If that is not illegal it should be made so. These agencies operate exclusively in Bulgaria, Romania and the UK and the suspicion, one well founded, is that they are nothing more than a front for people traffickers and the gangmasters.

They are not that numerous, and to be enable to get the people and get them work, not that well hidden. With a little effort they could, and should, be shut down now: yesterday in fact. We should also prosecute and punish those employers using these people.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 15:31
by KateLMead
We can only hope Frank, the police are not interested, they were called out to the Romanians following threats, the police showed their faces and walked away. As a country we should be ashamed of ourselves.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 22:50
by Aggers
What is this country of ours coming to? I find it hard to come to terms with it.

We all know who is responsible - the despicable people who get into parliament
and don't really care a jot for anything, except themselves, and let any riff raff
in to contaminate and degrade our society, and do nothing to rectify or control
the situation.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014, 23:32
by Workingman
Aggers wrote:We all know who is responsible - the despicable people who get into parliament

Yes! I feel a bit sorry for the police. The agencies are not illegal and neither are the gangmasters. There might be "allegations" of violence, but unless they can be substantiated/witnessed directly there is not much the plod on the street can do. Unless there is leadership from the top, and those who make the laws, there is not much the justice system can do.

Re: Tragic

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2014, 08:07
by KateLMead
The police know who the trouble makers are Frank, I do not feel sorry for them, the force is as corrupt in part as are politicians and those in any position of authority, and we are confronted with examples every day of the week.
These benefit fraudsters join the other million or so who are on the jolly, we read of immigrants (rich from their illegal pickings) who have played the system, the same individuals when caught land up having bed and breakfast in one of our comfortable Jails for
A couple of months.
"You couldn't believe it"
Hundreds of complaints against the programme the majority I would think from those of the same ilk
As the lazy Baskets depicted on that seemingly controversial programme.