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UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 16:03
by Workingman
Examples here: ... r-campaign

As you probably know, I am mildly pro EU and therefore not a supporter of UKIP, but I am heartily sick of ConDemLab politicians and media commentators constantly referring to UKIP as "racists", "xenophobes" and "Little Englanders" as if those descriptions somehow entitles the user to hold the high ground.

These epithets have been so overused in attempts to stifle debate that they are now meaningless; they are even worn or accepted by some as proof positive that their users have lost the argument - how right they are.

There is plenty of evidence that the wording in the posters is factually wrong, but I am not going to help out explaining it to the boneheads in the main parties who, anyway, deserve a damned good kicking in the polls.

Re: UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 17:59
by Aggers
I don't see anything wrong with being racist. It's a perfectly natural human attitude.

During WW2 our Government encouraged it.

The present Government haven't a clue.

Re: UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 18:28
by cromwell
The poster isn't racist in any way shape or form.

What it is pointing out in a rather blunt way is that there is no loyalty to your own country any more by our rulers or our companies.

A worker is a worker is a worker; and if an eastern european will do the job for less than a brit, then the brit is out of work. There is no loyalty to our own people.

THAT is the truth that our mainstream political parties are desperate to drown out, so they will call Farage a racist, fascist or any other thing to try and muddy the waters.

As things stand UKIP is virtually a one man show, so if I were Mr Farage I'd be worrying that someone might accidentally shove me under a bus..

Re: UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 19:19
by TheOstrich
.....These epithets have been so overused in attempts to stifle debate that they are now meaningless; they are even worn or accepted by some as proof positive that their users have lost the argument - how right they are.

Thank you! Personally, I have absolutely no problem with being labelled a racist by the lefties, or a swivel-eyed loon by the Tories. I know what I believe in, and that's what I stand up for. If they think I'm racist, TBH, I couldn't care less. There are more important things to get on with, in my book, like getting the LibLabCons out of power.

Mate of mine in Sheffield is going to hear Farage speak next week. If he comes to Birmingham, I'll be doing the same.

The posters look good! How accurate they are is an entirely different matter ..... :D

Re: UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 19:58
by KateLMead
Politics are a Cess Pit. I always voted for the "Cons" aptly called these days. My husbands political leanings were to the right of Attila the Hun. Labour Never. Conservatives never Again. Liberals well I need not even comment :roll: . I intend voting UKIP
Purely to see whether they finish the job that successive governments have failed to do leaving us in limbo. They have all in their own way
Added to the destruction of this country. None more than B'Liar Brown and the other idiots promoting pedophilia, Harman and Dromey Hewitt and their cohorts.
And none more than Europe who have reduced this country, our traditions, our democracy to a laughing stock.
UKIP for me and we may all be surprised at their popularity.

Re: UKIP poster campaign.

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2014, 21:38
by Aggers