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Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 17:41
by cromwell
Yes it's true. The consumption of half a pint of dark mild can lead to convulsions leading to death, inside five seconds.

OK so I eggagerate, but hell's bells. The Committe for the Extinguishing of Enjoyment are at it again, in the shape of some Quango called Alcohol Concern. They are wanting dire warnings placed on bottles of beer and wine, a minimum price for alcohol, a lower drink drive limit, you name it.

Unfortunately their case was presented on TV by a lemon faced lady who looked like a swift Mackeson would do her the world of good. If abstinence has made her the woman she is, I reckon that sales of Special Brew and Buckfast Tonic wine will rocket.

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:01
by Rodo
I have just put down my large gin and tonic so I can post a reply! :D

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:05
by Workingman
We put warnings on tobacco products, banned advertising, banned them all over the place and taxed them to high heaven. We have had campaign after campaign warning of the dangers. Result? People still smoke and still start smoking.

We have been putting lists of ingredients on tins and packets, reduced the salt, reduced the sugar, reduced the fat. We have run campaign after campaign warning of the dangers. Result? Obesity is at epidemic proportions.

And now the funspoilers want to go the same route with alcohol. Can anyone guess what the result might be? See above for possible outcomes.

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:13
by Rodo
You looking at me? :evil:

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:20
by Kaz
:lol: :lol: Sorry, I know it's a serious subject, but this has had me in fits :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:33
by cromwell
Mrs Cromwell told me off when I shouted "Oh shut it, vinegar t*ts" at the TV. :oops:

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 18:53
by Kaz
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 19:09
by Rodo
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 20:08
by Aggers
There iis no doubt in my mind that something needs to be done about the obesity problem.

But what?

I can remember when wine glasses in the home were about the same size as egg cups.
Now they are more like tankards. Why? Because we are an affluent society I suppose.
When I was a lad I never saw an obese person, except occasionally on the silver screen.

You don't have to become obese if you don't want to. Perhaps the answer is to educate
our children into the desirability of eating and drinking sensibly. I don't know, but I do
think, like Cromwell, that the powers that be are barking up the wrong tree.

Re: Alcohol is bad for you

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 22:03
by Diflower
You didn't really have alcohol at home though, and most people had nothing in, other than spirits or sherry, bought for Christmas.
The only place to buy it was expensive off licenses - or of course make your own, which was fairly common.

And wine in pubs was dire - I never did know what to drink, not liking either sweet fizzy drinks or beer, particularly. I settled on dry Martini with lemonade...
I remember when the local Sainsburys opened a (separate, next door) wine store, it was so exciting :)

And now, pubs are so incredibly expensive - a large glass of wine is more than I pay for a whole bottle :shock: - plus the increased awareness of drink + driving means people are far more inclined to buy drink to have at home.

It's all just down to availability and pure greed, both food and drink.
You never used to see anyone eating in the street, and certainly not at 11 in the morning.
But in Farnborough, where I worked, there would be mothers with toddlers - in pushchairs, not walking (too much trouble) - with a bag of chips at that time :roll:

Bb and I once witnessed a mother literally force-feeding a baby - not walking age, 10-11 months? - a burger, broken into pieces (a full-sized Burger King job)...honestly I had to walk out before I embarrassed myself :evil: Burger joints are not really places I go to, but I'm sure it happens all the time :?

Oh, and it's not just here. You should have seeeeeen the Russian (we think) woman in Tunisia, with a small (2-3) boy, piling his plate at every meal, him trying to stop eating or refuse, and her pushing and pushing the food at him. And yes she was fat, and he most definitely getting there - 3 frankfurters, 3 tablespoons of scrambled egg, 2 croissants, a bread roll, ham and cheese, 2 big glasses of orange juice - is not a suitable breakfast for a child :?
Can you tell it makes me cross - and sad :(