Aggers wrote:What is wrong with the world that men can carry out such a brutal attack on innocent children?
News items now seem be be getting more terrible every day.
Should we do something about it?
What do you think?
The world no longer executes crazy idiots like this. They also don't hunt down all their partners in crime and execute them too.
The "Terror" is a one way street. If it were two way things would not descend into chaos the way they do.
But, we're "civilised" you know. So we can't be like them. So we have to put up with it. You cannot reason with a fanatic, you can only remove them all and those who are fanatics in training. Only the belief that this kind of fanaticism will lead to an early demise with no "glory" in it is likely to curb their followers in training.
Such is a civilised world. If we could, the Romans, the Greeks, the city fathers of Troy, Adolf Hitler, would tell us all the same thing. Bare naked force has solved more things, permanently, than every negotiation ever made. Uncivilised as it is, it happens to be the truth.
Peace in our time? Unlikely.