by Suff » 15 Jan 2015, 19:19
I had a thought. The Jews have been a viable whipping boy for the far right for so long that everyone just thinks it's about being different and exclusive. After all it was early Christians who created the greatest trouble for the Jews. After all they "killed our saviour" was such a handy saying in medieval times wasn't it. Pity they never finished the sentence "who was a Jew"....
However, there's another threat for the far right now. It's Islam. They won't integrate. They horde money. They take over every branch of everything they can and use nepotism to keep the "Infidels" out. Not only that but they're loud mouthed, bad mouth our laws and think they can just do whatever they want and when they're called on it they can just "use the race card" to get out of it.
The far right is way more concerned about Islam, today, than the Jews.
OK people are going to say that Jews are tight about money. Why would they not be? They are traders and businessmen by history and also engineers and geniuses out of proportion to their number in the community. Jews pay for everything different that they do. When was the last time you heard of a Jew insisting that supermarkets produced Kosher (same as Halal), meat? They just go to their own butchers and pay the price. As for Jewish pride and their allegiance to Israel? Why not? I'm sure we now have at least 16M immigrants with a strong allegiance to another country over their allegiance to the UK. It took 2,000 years for them to get Israel back, why would they not be proud of it and why would they not want to support it? Especially given how the rest of the world has treated tem over the last 2,000 years.
Given the level of Jewish influence on my family, I believe I know them reasonably well. At least I've done some digging and looking.
The press and their surveys sometimes drive me to "bad words". Designed to find a result. OK everyone hates Islam right now because they condone murder, let's find out we're also bad for hating the Jews.
We're not bad. We're actually pretty good people when all is said and done.
End of rant for one day.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.