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PostPosted: 20 Feb 2015, 22:53
by Aggers
What is going on with our legal system?

It was on the news that someone today had been found guilty in a British Court
and the Judge would be announcing his sentence in about EIGHT WEEKS TIME !!!

I can remember the time when Judges sentenced the guilty person at the end of
the trial (and, if appropriate, donned his black cap).

Don't Judges have someone above them who can get them to take their fingers
out and get on with the job they are paid to do?

We could do with a dictator in this country who could install a bit of discipline.
Our present politicians are useless.

Rant over.

Re: Judges

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2015, 23:50
by Workingman
I am going to guess that Judges now have to give reasons for the conclusions arising from their deliberations. Each and every conclusion has to match any previous case law and has to be relevant to the case in question. The wording of any sentencing has to be perfect, from a legal standpoint, otherwise it is open to being challenged. And on it goes. All of this takes time and, of course, money.