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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015, 14:49
by Workingman
I have been looking at the headlines from those manifestoes released thus far and can honestly say that if I had my own party I could pick this from here and that from there and something from somewhere else and come up with a great manifesto. What I cannot do, with any of them, is make the numbers add up.

If I want a garage but would have to borrow £10,000 to build it I have only nominally saved £10,000 if it does not get built. A lot of the manifesto savings seem to be in that category. However, if I go out and get recycled materials for £500 to build it I have saved £9,500.

If I up my children's pocket money by £2 per week, but then charge them up to £2 to use the Internet they have effectively gained nothing. A lot of the promises appear to be giving with one hand and sneakily taking away with the other.

Re: Manfestoes

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015, 16:17
by victor
would'nt believe a word that any of 'em had written down

Re: Manfestoes

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015, 16:37
by Suff
I read a chunk of the UKIP manifesto today. ''pparrently the numbers have been crunched by a 4 letter institution which I immediately forgot.

Worth a read. Not that they can deliver without a partner of like mind....