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They are at it again

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2015, 16:15
by Suff
Now there has been a one year old boy drowned.

I blame two groups for this.

First and foremost I blame they little boy's parents. They were in Turkey, they had safety, food, water and sanitation.

Secondly I blame Angela Merkel and her EU panderers who extended an invite to break the laws and illegally cross the water with smugglers to try and force their way into Germany....

Enough with the guilt trip because I'm not having it.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2015, 16:50
by Workingman
Suff wrote:Enough with the guilt trip because I'm not having it.

Nor me.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 12:14
by Suff
Nor the Torygraph apparently...

It seems the tide of opinion is turning. The way that the EU talks about 120,000 refugees as if that's the problem, whilst Germany gears up to take 800,000 and the countries in the way are swamped by half a million refugees, seems to have hardened hearts.

Even the BBC has had a go at these "lawyers" for refusing to name a figure which is acceptable.

Although realisation is slowly dawning in the minds of these swamped EU countries. The fastest way to get the immigrants out and back home is to support Assad and get rid of the "rebels"....

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 16:43
by cromwell
This "migrant" crisis is not a one off, this is set to become a permanent fixture.

And I'm not buying it either. I can quite appreciate the desire for a better life if you live in some Godforsaken dusty dump, but imo their better life is our worse life, when more than 1 million just march into Europe in one year. Merkel has been advised not to go to Bavaria by one of her political allies owing to the fear that she might get shouted down; even in Germany it is dawning that feeling noble doesn't last long when reality hits home.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 17:44
by Aggers
cromwell wrote:This "migrant" crisis is not a one off, this is set to become a permanent fixture.

even in Germany it is dawning that feeling noble doesn't last long when reality hits home.

Too true, Cromwell.

The trouble is that, for some strange reason, politicians are the last group of people
to see the folly of their decisions. The ordinary 'man in the street' could foresee the
outcome of this immigration business months ago.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 18:03
by TheOstrich
Cue video shots of migrants trudging through rain and mud and snow in the Balkans, now, and dire warnings that a humanitarian catastrophe is just around the corner (BBC News report tonight).

The Middle East has been a humanitarian catastrophe of one sort or another since the first Gulf War. We will only settle this by returning stability to the ME and if that means UN / NATO troops on the ground, perhaps permanently, it must be done. But do it properly this time, not in the cack-handed way we (the UK and the US) have performed in the past.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 19:19
by Suff
TheOstrich wrote:The Middle East has been a humanitarian catastrophe of one sort or another since the first Gulf War.

I think that's a fairly large understatement.

Lebanon, right back to Masada and the diaspora or even before that the exodus of the Israelites from the Pharoes of Egypt...

They are very good at it. These days they are better at trying to get us embroiled in it than fighting it out themselves.

My take would be to close the borders. Nobody in or out. No weapons running, nothing. They can then keep going till they wind up with rocks then let the biggest mob win.... Not very Christian I know, but we are not dealing with Christians are we? In fact when Christians get in their way when flocking to Europe, they murder them.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 20:06
by Workingman
TheOstrich wrote:Cue video shots of migrants trudging through rain and mud and snow in the Balkans, now, and dire warnings that a humanitarian catastrophe is just around the corner (BBC News report tonight).

I said more than a month ago that is what would happen - a giant tug at our heart strings.

We needed to set up camps to a) stop the humanitarian crisis part, and b) to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Nothing was done, so the catastrophe is now with us.

Unfortunately that plays into the hands of the "Let them all in" brigades.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 22:53
by Suff
Workingman wrote:Unfortunately that plays into the hands of the "Let them all in" brigades.

The camps would have made little difference. Just look at the Jungle. The "let them all in" brigades are telling us it's imperative that we let all them in too because their situation is untenable.

There is only one possible way to win this and that is at the ballot box. Anyone who says we should let more in doesn't get a vote. From all the rest we choose a MP who is representative of our biggest issues....

Something to remember on the day, because the press will not remind you.

Re: They are at it again

PostPosted: 12 Oct 2015, 23:49
by Workingman
The unorganised Jungle has something like 5,000 illegals - max. The Balkans have 500,000 out in the open wandering hither and dither.

Some, many, of these people could die if we do not help them. Helping them does not mean letting them into the EU, it means stopping them from dying of cold and hunger over the winter.

Why is that so wrong?