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PostPosted: 13 Oct 2015, 08:28
by victor
with all attention focused on IS,what has happened to the pirates in Somalia?

Re: pirates?

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2015, 10:03
by Weka
I was wondering the same thing the other day when my kids asked me if there are still pirates today.

Re: pirates?

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2015, 11:03
by Suff
It seems that the international patrolling of the waters has succeeded.

The last recorded attempts were in 2013 and the number of pirates being killed or captured had gone up drastically. Also commando raids from countries to release their crew were becoming more frequent.

It looks like they decided the "free ride" was over and that they should move on to other things. Although that would change the second they thought that the vigilance was over.