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Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2015, 22:14
by Suff
I really should have. What does Turkey want from the EU? Money? Yes but not that urgently. What has been on the Turkish agenda for the last 2 decades??? Accession to the EU.

Germany, the strongest critic of Turkey these last 2 decades, now wants to kick start their talks to become part of the EU.. Wonderful and no doubt they will immediately join Schengen. At which point the immigrants will hit Turkey, get on a plane and fly straight to Germany and Sweden....

But, in the meantime, Merkel will have succeeded in conning everyone at home that the flood gates have been closed with Turkish help.

Turkish accession could happen in as little as 2 years because of the constant threat of opening the flood gates. Only to open the flood gates immediately after joining.

This is the EU at it's darkest. Everything is expediency of the moment and nothing is principle or rule of law. If you don't like the law and the situation today, either change the law or change the situation.....

I should have seen this coming. I'm normally more in tune with things than that.

Re: Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2015, 18:37
by Workingman
You didn't see it coming because it probably isn't.

Merkel going to Ankara and meeting Erdogan is politicking of the first order - nothing more.

Merkel is not the EU Commission, nor is she the other 27 Heads of State within the EU; and I can think of quite a few who will not want EU external land borders with Georgia, Armnenia, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The former Warsaw Pact countries will not roll over so easily on this one.

There are also lots of hoops for Turkey to jump through with Hujman Rights, convergence, the Euro etc.

The right noises are being made to Turkey in the current crisis, with even Cameron saying he wants it to Join, but nothing will be done until (if) the crisis ends. Then it will all be back to square one. If Turkey ever does join I can see a lot of current members leaving.

Re: Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2015, 20:01
by Suff
The one major blockage to even opening talks was Germany. They absolutely refused.

We've all seen the bullying which has gone on using EU finances as a mechanism. We know who contributes most to those finances.

Cameron is an idiot for saying that. Open borders with Turkey could only result in one thing for the UK, massively increased immigration pressures.

There may be some grumping and grumbling on this one. But if Germany and the power moguls of the EU want Turkey in, then Turkey will be in.

Could be a good thing. Nothing is more sure than it will rattle a lot of cages and get people thinking about where the future ends with the EU.... Syria afterwards???? Then the EU could control it as an internal affair...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whilst I'm being absurd. Or am I???

Re: Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2015, 08:38
by cromwell
You aren't being absurd Suff. When Sarkozy was President of France he was talking about "closer ties" with the Arab countries of North Africa. How does that look now?

If Turkey comes in there will be big trouble in the EU. The social security system in Turkey will not be as generous as Sweden, Germany or anywhere else much, so stand by for hundreds of thousands more paddling into Greece.

Re: Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2015, 18:25
by Workingman
I will say this: If Turkey gets in I am getting out.

Re: Now why didn't I see that coming

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2015, 18:59
by Suff
I must admit that it is a perfect little play for Merkel isn't it? Bring in a country as large as Turkey, feed them with "Development Grants" for ten years, have exponential development for cheap holiday homes owned by North Europeans and the Turks can buy loads of expensive EU goods.

Turkey joins Schengen and the Euro and Expansion is on the agenda again. Having learned nothing from the 90's the EU would try and pass off expansion as "Growth" in the economy and play for more expansion into Eastern Europe and, possibly, the ME.

I guess once the eyes are opened, you have to wonder where the expansion would end. After all if Iraq and Syria joined the EU, the EU would have it's own oil and gas outside of Britain and Norway....

Not that I think it will happen that way in the short term. But you can bet if I can think it then others in the EU have already thought it and are actively working to make it happen.

I must admit I have a large chunk of sympathy with Russia right now. They have relatively undemocratic, expansionist, relentless regimes close to, or on, both borders. Honestly if it was not for their past and my past, I would be much more concerned for them. As it is, I find it hard not to be rolling with laughter as the great EU (soviet), gobbles up everything on their borders and sits there as a hulking threat to their new found liberty and democracy. After 75 years they finally throw off the shackles of communism and the Soviet state, only to face a similar threat on their western border....

The irony is really thick right now...