Samosas. HELP!

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Samosas. HELP!

Postby Workingman » 30 Nov 2024, 09:57

I keep seeing Jan making samosas but I have never quite got them right.

The filling I use is a simple winner, boiled diced potatoes, fried mince, onions and garic with a squeeze of tomato paste and some curry powder and salt with just a hint of stock (2 ish Tbs) once the mince is cooked through just to moisten it, then in go some peas and it is left to cool.

My problem is the pastry. I have tried filo, but that is not 'Indian' enough. Pre-made shortcrust never works for me nor does my home made version - it's like a concrete case! 100% gram flour (chickpea) doesn't suite my tastebuds so I am at a bit of a loss.

Any ideas?
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Re: Samosas. HELP!

Postby JanB » 30 Nov 2024, 13:45

I use filo pastry WM, two sheets at a time.

A friend made some sort of pastry to go with her samosas, it was dire, soggy on the inside.

Could you not try a mixture of garam flour and another flour_
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Re: Samosas. HELP!

Postby Workingman » 04 Dec 2024, 15:55

Thanks Jan.

I did a batch of 50:50 Gram to plain flour but they were not right. Today's batch is 1/3:2/3 and they are just right.

My "soggies" tend to come three ways: too thick pastry; too 'wet' a filling or frying too hot and quickly. Low and slow to start, then a hot blast to finish is best.

This batch has a Keema lamb filling - minced lamb, chopped onion, garlic and peas with hot curry powder. Well worth a try.
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Re: Samosas. HELP!

Postby JanB » 04 Dec 2024, 20:49

Minced lamb costs blasted fortune over here.

Anything minced means they put the bone on the scales, weigh it, strip it, then take the bone out.

So you've payed for the bone, even though you're not using it.
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