There is a good choice of number cake tins on ebay Ally.
I am going to hijack your thread now - about freezing cakes.
I am going to be making a rainbow cake for L for her birthday next Saturday and was intending on making it on Friday. However, as it involves 6 different coloured sponge cakes I did wonder about making it ahead and freezing it to save time.
But last week I defosted some fairy cakes that L had made and we had shoved in the freezer (I froze them by putting them in a freezer bag and just bunging them in the freezer and then I defrosted them by just taking them out of the freezer, leaving them in the bag and putting them on the side. When I came to ice them they seemed quite "claggy" and I wasn't sure about them.
For the rainbow cake I will be using buttercream to sandwich the 6 layers together and then covering the whole lot in buttercream to hide the inside. I had originally thought about freezing them, defrosting them and icing them (ice them when thawed or still slightly frozen????) but now I am not so sure.
Have you ever tried freezing sponge cake Di or Kaz and if so - how did you wrap it, how did you defrost it and what was it like?
Edited to add - I have just googled it and some people are saying that the cake tastes better after being frozen. The Goddess Delia says to put it in a plastic bag and defrost it in the plastic bag too. I might have a go at making the cakes earlier in the week - saves time on the Friday as at the moment the plan was to bake the cakes as soon as she goes to school, make up the butter icing and then take everything down to the hotel where the street party is (its street party season again) so that I could ice it there and put it in their fridge overnight.