"You've been down the Polish shop again," said Mrs O, suspiciously.

"Yes, it's some sort of fancy gateau, look at the picture!"
"it's never a cake. How are you going to get a cake into a thin box like that?"

"Oh!," shame-faced ....
"Give it to me."
The box is opened and reveals a packet. Much tutting and harrumphing from Mrs O ensues.
"I think it's a sort of Angel Delight," she intones, "but I can't understand the instructions."

"Why not?"
"They're all in Polish ....."
"No problem," says Ossie, "I'll use Google Translate!"

Google Translate twice appears to plead insanity and once asks for asylum, but 15 minutes later, the bird emerges triumphant.

"Pour the 250ml flattened cream and the 100ml cold milk into a high dish.
Fill the bag with the bag, and mix at the highest possible speed for 3 minutes.
Use the finished cream to transfer and decorate the dough or cake directly after cooking.
Insert into the ice rink for 3 hours to cool."
So we bought a tub of whipping cream and tried it out this afternoon. It worked. Sort of. It's a bit crunchy but we finished up with a pudding bowl full of Irish Whisky flavoured "Krem" and we've just had some on top of a slice of apple cake. It's delicious, and about 90% proof. The Krem is now happily cooling in the ice rink, and Mrs O has gone to sleep it off.