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PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 05:24
by Weka
I've got about a meals worth of leftover roast beef and chicken (about a meal combined) only I've got no inspiration as to how to combine them into a meal.

Any thoughts?

Re: Leftovers

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 07:23
by Diflower
I don't think I'd ever combine them at all tbh.
The chicken's fairly easy, you only need a little for a stir-fry, or make a spiced rice and veg mix and add to that. It doesn't need to be 'a meal's worth', I do it with just a little handful of shreds. Or add to mushrooms and any kind of creamy or tomatoey sauce for pasta.
The beef - pasties? One pasty? Samosas, with mashed potato, a few peas and spices? Or the same idea, mince then add to a spicy rice mix.
Either can also be used for pizza toppings.
Or mince/process it, freeze it, then add more to it next time you have some.

Re: Leftovers

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 07:31
by debih
You could always freeze the beef until you have another half meals worth Weka.

Re: Leftovers

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 10:24
by Weka
There was more chicken there than I thought. We did a stir fry with rice, and there is now only 2 BIG slices of roast beef left. Might do lunch for G and I tomorrow.

Thanks for the ideas.