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Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 13:06
by debih
The things I say yes to!!!

It is the village children's Christmas party on Sunday. They (the organisers) are doing it slightly differently this year. Usually they either go to Gullivers Kingdom (the local theme park which happens to be set in the village), go on the rides, get to see Santa and we all get to eat our turkey cob and chips (I cannot even begin to describe how revolting it is). Every other year they have more of a traditional party in the village hall (now temporarily defunct) and parents help out with the food. One of the dads is usually Santa and gives out the presents. Everyone pays a certain amount to it and the parish council make a decent donation.

This year my friend who is the owner of our local hotel has got invovled in the organisation and the kids are going to Gullivers in the morning and then back to the hotel for lunch (hurrah - no stale turkey cobs). There will be party food for the kids and a bbq for the adults (paid for with the left over money from the last street party).

I stupidly asked her if she wanted me to make anything. She asked if I would make the ice cream cone cakes but I have had enough of making them so I said I would make some snowman cupcakes.

This morning I rang to find out how many children were going - 85. 85 cupcakes!!!!!!! I don't think I will manage that many but will have a good go.

I want to keep it as simple as possible as I don't want to spend the whole of Saturday making cupcakes. I will probably buy the cupcakes (Sainsburys do 12 small ones for £1) - I think it will be a damned sight easier. I have already been stocking up on ready to roll white marzipan and I have some of the icing pen things for decorating. I thought I could roll the icing out nice and thin and stick it on the cupcakes with melted apricot jam. I though about getting some of the chocolate chips to use for eyes and use a black icing pen for a line for its mouth.

But what about its nose. Do I draw it on with an orange/red icing pen? Do I colour some white marzipan with orange food colouring? Or can anyone think of another way of making a nose. I don't want it to be black - it will need some colour on. And the cakes are pretty small so it can't be too big.

I wonder if I can use chopped apricots?

Any ideas?????

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 13:19
by Fugitive
Come over quite faint at the very idea of doing any of the above :roll:

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 13:42
by Diflower
How about just doing this Debih, as you say they're small cupcakes - snowflakes instead of snowmen. I'm quite sure the kids won't care either way ... =275617604

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 13:54
by debih
No - I'm determined!

I promised them snowmen and I will deliver them snowmen. Even if it kills me.

I wonder if they stil do those diamond shape jelly things - they would work as noses. I will be going on a hunt round Sainsburys later in the week.

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 16:28
by JoM
Debbie, I've seen those jelly diamonds in Asda but there's a multicoloured selection in the containers.
Don't know how fiddly it'd be but could you cut up an orange fruit pastille into small triangular segments for carrot noses?

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 16:50
by Fugitive
I am in awe of you dedicated and inventive Mums! 8-)

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 17:03
by Kaz
Roll out white fondant icing, cut out small circles for the heads and bigger ones for the tums, and use jelly tots for the eyes, noses, buttons on the tum etc ? :o

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012, 22:04
by Paddypix
White icing, dip into dessicated coconut while the icing is still sticky, and draw a snowman face on with icing pen. This video is long and boring but if you skip through all the silly talk the actual cupcakes look quite easy and effective.

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 08:37
by shazsha
An orange tic tac would make a great nose-google told me so! :lol:

Re: Snowman cupcake ideas

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 09:57
by debih
shazsha wrote:An orange tic tac would make a great nose-google told me so! :lol:

Fantastic Shaz. Thats a great idea.

So I need to get the cakes (I have decided that I will buy them as they are £1 for 12. I think I will do 48. I think that will be plenty. I already have one pack of white ready to roll marzipan but I will get another couple (I dont mind if there is loads left over - I adore marzipan), cheap apricot jam, some chocolate chips and orange tic tacs.

I will cut out discs of white marzipan and stick them onto the cakes with melted jam. Then shove two chocolate chips in (pointed side down) for eyes, a tic tac for a nose and then use the black icing for a mouth. Sorted.

I will post photos!