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The man in the market......

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2013, 17:04
by Workingman
...... had probably had enough. It was hot and quiet just after 4 pm and most of his chillers were empty of the cooked meats and hot foods he does. All that was left was his table with some fresh chickens on.

"Any three for a fiver. C'mon, three for five pounds. Pick your own!"

So, I have six leg and thigh pieces, six breast and wing pieces, a big bag of off-cuts and three carcasses.

I am thinking soup, slow cooking the legs in a nice sauce, coq-au-vin style, and an off-cut curry, but I need ideas for the breasts.

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2013, 17:23
by Diflower
Blimey what a bargain :D

I'd chop the wings off too, 6 of those is a feast for one :) Just rub with spices then roast, first covered with foil then off.

The breasts I'd probably do things like Spanish chicken: Brown chicken (skin on or off), remove; sauté onion, add sliced peppers, chopped chorizo, a chilli or two if you like, maybe paprika (smoked or not), then stir in raw rice. Add tinned tomatoes, put the chicken back in, season, cook with lid on.

Or take them off the bone, then use as and when. Beat out thin, brush with oil and spices then cook fast in a griddle pan.
Or brush with chilli sauce or pesto then dip in breadcrumbs and fry or bake.
Don't beat out, use for kebabs/satay. Cut in chunks and cook in sauces quicker then legs - onion, tomatoes, peppers, olives.
Mince/process and make spicy Thai patties (same as Thai fishcakes for seasoning); or Indian spiced patties...
Enough? :D

Pie filling - with onion, mushroom, chicken stock and thickened milk?

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2013, 17:35
by Workingman
Cheers Di, a trip to Leeds market at just the right time always throws up bargains.

The breasts are already de-boned, but I like the idea of doing the wings separately - hot wings, perhaps? Piri-piri also springs to mind. I like the breadcrumb idea, but I do not really want to use the breast for kebabs or pies - the meat is too good for those.

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 10:28
by Kaz
I know I'm boring but I often buy chicken pieces - usually breast or thigh - when they are on offer and just freeze them individually or in pairs as is. That way I can decide what to do with them on the day......

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 15:48
by Diflower
So do I Kaz, whatever's on offer :D
And when I got all those legs from the market, I just froze them in pairs.

If I'd got 3 whole chickens, I'd probably have cooked one whole, or maybe halved it. Maybe jointed the others, but I'd still have frozen the pieces as they were. Partly that's down to freezer space, but I wouldn't want 6 portions of the same thing really, so it's easier to cook what I want when I want it :)

Sainsburys had a big bargain today though - stewing lamb reduced to £3 a kilo :D So I bought just over a kg, will probably split it in two. Am thinking Moroccan-type for one lot, maybe a curry for the rest :)

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 18:57
by Kaz
Yes, it's a sensible way to do it, I think :)

Oh Moroccan lamb sounds delicious - could it be done without nuts do you think? 8-)

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 20:57
by Ally
Kaz wrote:Yes, it's a sensible way to do it, I think :)

Oh Moroccan lamb sounds delicious - could it be done without nuts do you think? 8-) friend makes Moroccan tagine type things alot without adding the nuts as her husband has a nut allergy. xx

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 20:58
by Ally
Meant to say as I don't eat lamb she made us a chicken one..again, without the nuts..and it was delicious. :D :D

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 21:07
by Kaz
Lovely - thanks Ally :D 8-)

Re: The man in the market......

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 21:11
by Ally
:D :D :D