Getting back to normal ....

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Getting back to normal ....

Postby TheOstrich » 11 Jul 2020, 23:09 ... -framework

YouGov wrote:Spectators
Supporters, parents, and other spectators to remain socially distanced whilst attending events.
Spectator groups must be restricted to discrete six person gathering limits and spread out, in line with wider government guidance.

There is an additional risk of infection in close proximity situations where people are shouting or conversing loudly.


I am going up THAT end. :mrgreen:

You can all go up the OTHER end. And spread ye-selves out, ye beggars! :cute:

And keep yer racket down and no goal celebrations - by order of the Right Hon. Bojo. :P

As an aside, it is interesting to note that each individual sport now has to do a risk analysis / action plan or whatever, and agree it with the Gov't before disseminating it down to leagues and teams.

Twickenham Towers, with their usual pomposity, have said:

Due to the intrinsic nature of rugby and the proximity of participants, it is recognised that there is the potential for an increased risk of droplet transmission. Working with expert medical advice and applying the activity exposure framework to various formats of rugby, we will update following our discussions with government. In the short term it is likely that the format of rugby the community game is able to play will be a modified version, not the full 15 a side game.

How about 13-a-side and no contested scrums .... now that would be a novelty, wouldn't it Crommers! :lol:
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Re: Getting back to normal ....

Postby Workingman » 12 Jul 2020, 11:32

Ossie wrote:How about 13-a-side and no contested scrums .... now that would be a novelty, wouldn't it Crommers! :lol:

Hmm, methinks Ossie has never taken part in a rugby league game. ;)

If I take him high to prevent an 'offload' and Cromwell takes him low so that he is 'tackled' he might rethink. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And hasn't there always been something called 'touch' rugby or more modernly 'tag' rugby? I think it's played down south 'French style' with a sponge ball, on pitches covered in feather mattresses - n;est pas? Maybe that's what TT are thinking of. :roll:
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Re: Getting back to normal ....

Postby TheOstrich » 12 Jul 2020, 19:04

Well, having watched the hapless Coventry Bears RL side for two or three seasons, I didn't know tackling was a concept - but that may be more down to the Coventry Bears themselves than any other reason .... :lol:

Oh good grief, tag rugby. :| As played by our 5 yo's ..... all I can say is I sincerely hope not.

Anyway I don't think rugby union will be making a comeback any time soon at my local club. North Dorset have acquired a load of patio tables, planted them out across 4 pitches in front of the clubhouse, declared it to be "The World's Biggest Beer Garden" and are plying a cracking trade apparently, despite some anecdotal evidence that it takes up to 20 minutes to get your pint delivered if you're right at the bottom of the lower field .... :D !
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