Zandvoort is back!

For the chaps here

Zandvoort is back!

Postby Workingman » 03 Sep 2021, 16:13

It was one of my favourite circuits in the 70s. Ever so fast! The infield had a couple of hairpins then a bit like Maggots / Becketts at Silverstone then a sweeping right hander to a long, long, right hand curve before going back to start / finish straight. It became so fast (dangerous) that a couple of chicanes had to be put in.

It had to be redeveloped in the 1990s due to noise pollution and safety. It now has a second twisty infield from where the first chicane was with a new chicane at the end of a reasonable 'straight' - a very slight left hand curve. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
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