F1 conspiracy theorists.

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F1 conspiracy theorists.

Postby Workingman » 21 Jun 2015, 22:45

Hamilton crosses the pit exit line and gets a five second penalty added to his race time.

Suddenly it is because he is a tax exile, black, bling merchant, singer dater and earring wearer.

No! The rule has been there forever and it matters not if you are on your own or surrounded by other cars - you get a penalty. In the near past it would have been a drive-through or a ten second stop-go. Either of those would have put Hamilton in fifth place, maybe sixth.

Hamilton was driving the car and deciding where it would be on the track; he was lucky he came in second in Austria.
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Re: F1 conspiracy theorists.

Postby miasmum » 21 Jun 2015, 23:44

I have just watched it, recorded earlier on the BBC. I havent heard any conspiracy theories but at least Lewis didn't say in his interview, maybe its because I is black, like he did before.

What annoyed me was DC saying it seems a bit harsh when he didn't endanger anyone. Yet no one said anything when Marcus got a penalty for a jump start, but actually got completely bogged down at the start and went backwards.

Kimi was lucky not to be decapitated. I loved Fernando trying to help him and Kimi making it very plain "I am not holding your hand" then we Jens asking if Fernando is ok, aww you could really feel the love
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