My appalling local TV programme BBC Migrants Today led tonight with pictures of Muslims praying in the Balsall Heath Mosque and a plea from one of the senior people that we should not let it divide the community. The report on the Birmingham University French student organising a Je Suis Charlie vigil in Centenary Square came a good second ....
Worth noting the BBC apologistas have not changed their tunes.
I'm also very unhappy at the prominent BBC main news featuring Christian leaders showing solidarity with the Muslim leaders in France, but for a different reason. These Protestant Church apologistas are appeasers just like their forefathers who saw nothing wrong with the rise of Hitler in the 1930's. They will not condemn the wolves at the door - despite what ISIS have done to the Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. And the Sultan of Brunei passing a law stating Christmas should not be celebrated. I don't buy this "the terrorists are not true Muslims" angle. They ruddy well are.