I think that what WM is trying to say is this. In every case where people recount an event or sequence of events, there are differences. Between two people and between each telling.
Police are very tuned to this as they see it every day with totally innocent people.
The most telling thing in the entire list from WM is that. Although, having said that, they are both doctors. Doctors are usually extremely organised people who structure things in their minds before saying anything. Perhaps something which could mitigate that.
I was in an accident once where the police attended. It had been snowing and I was the last of 4 cars to come over a blind rise and join the devastation. Nothing I could do, not on the cheap tyres the company director insisted on putting on the company car. When the police interviewed me I recounted the entire journey, from home to the point that I ran into the crashed car in front of me, having come over a blind rise on a two way road at 40mph.
The police, after the statement was taken, said. "That was a very clear and concise report of what happened. This is very unusual, most people who have been in an accident can't even remember their date of birth or how old they are".
Another point which was totally missing from the McCann case was the total absence of panic. Again, perhaps doctors, used to stress and loss. But, again, totally unusual.
Now if you add on to that a very direct manipulation of the media and of people in general and it doesn't look very good to the police does it? I'm sure I will never know what the reality of the situation is now. What I do know is that two parents have lost a child, no matter the circumstances. Nobody and I do mean nobody, will ever be able to punish them as much as they will punish themselves. They must blame themselves, no matter what happened.
So whilst I don't like the way things have gone down and I don't believe, personally, that she was abducted in the way stated, I do try to keep an open mind on it.