My take,
What reforms / concessions / opt-outs can Britain realistically expect to achieve?Nothing in a treaty. Or in other words, nothing substantial. Or, in reality, Nothing!
Will the EU be more concerned about keeping us in the club, so giving up major concessions to us? How hard-ball should we play it?How we should play it and how it will be played are two different things. In a coalition it would have been soft to the point of marshmallow. However with a majority Tory government, a majority of a few MP's and at least 100 EUskeptic back benchers? I would expect to see a few more Veto's in the next two years.
Let's face it. The institutions of the EU are undemocractic, narcissistic, unaccountable, money hogs and a gravy train to make the UK politicians look like starved waifs.
How do you negotiate with a dictator?
Get him on his own and ram a loaded pistol down his throat and explain the exit path of the bullet......
Is the UK electorate losing its appetite for getting out?The UK electorate is divided as the politicians are divided. A medium sized group are radically against. A medium sized group are fanatical about staying in. A medium sized group don't care so long as they get money every month. A large group couldn't keep their shoes on without Velcro.....
Is there appetite? Yep, but it depends on the noise the "For Exit" party makes. But, as we have seen in the last referendum held in the UK, the "don't care so long as I get money every month" can be easily bought....
With no viable, coherent opposition in Westminster apart from the SNP at the moment, who will put the pro-EU argument?I'm with WM on this. The only politicians who Don't oppose it [exit] are UKIP and the Tory Right....
If the SNP put it, it that going to make the English more anti-EU?Well Sturgeon managed to get a hell of a lot of Lib Dem and Labour voters in England to vote Tory. I'm sure she could do it all over again if she tried even moderately hard.....
How far will the Tory right-wing hold Cameron over a barrel?Till he screams for mercy and then some. There will be no masochistic pleasure, only pain and more pain.... I'm with WM, so much so it makes me wince...
On the fudged bit I don't think so. Cameron is a fairly straight guy on these things. If he promises something then he will do his damndest to deliver it. Remember he thinks he can convince the population to stay. I think he's probably right. So what does he have to lose except to shut down his far right and that's not a loss is it?