I have decide to go topical for this one... given the weather.
There are twelve changes made, with the help of Jack Frost.
You can have one guess every day and it starts at on Friday. Change over will be at midday 12:00 noon. You can start this evening then go again after lunch tomorrow.
How kind am I?
Good luck everyone..... and wrap up warm.
A nice warm chalet.
And another next door.
All found.
One extra window, on the left (our left) side of the building - Kaz
Another Ice Peak (behind main lodge) - Lissie
They tube-like things poking out from beneath the front first floor windows - Ossie
Less snow on the cellar? Door - Nana
Chimney Thingy????? on top of roof is smaller - Lissie
Only one dangly bit (the lodge sign) hanging from roof in middle building - Shell
No rocky outcrop on the Alp on the far left - Ossie
Door window has No reflection in the left side - Saundra
Bigger shadow under eaves - Nanna
Wall bigger outside door - Lissie
Pillar (extreme right) has been added - Liz
One of the struts under the eaves right at the far right of the piccie has fallen off - Ossie