I believe I said this only a few days ago. The only people who can save the Greeks are the creditors.
Even at this late stage they are demanding that Athens give them Even More than the already crippling climb down which has happened this week.
Even if they can manage to force this legislation through parliament by Tuesday, it will destroy the Greek government and cause chaos. It will be nothing more than lip service as it will, almost certainly, force Syriza out of Government.
At a new election it is possible, then, for Syriza to campaign for leaving the Euro on the grounds that the creditors will never renegotiate the debt and that Greece will never exit the suffering....
They tried.
They failed.
Why? Because the Greeks think that being in the Euro is a good thing. Only when the Greeks realise that this is a bad thing will things finally start getting better for the Greeks.
I've read a lot about how Greece will "drop into chaos" if they exit the Euro. However, recently, I've been reading a lot about how Greece is already in chaos in all but name and that the drop, should they default, will not actually be that much further than it has already gone.
After all, they are now almost where they were in 1990. If this continues, people will be back where they were in 1980 when they joined the EEC. The major difference being that it will be almost impossible for them to move from that position until they finish paying the bailout loans back in the 2050's. Also assuming that they get more bailouts as they don't have enough money left to survive 6 months.
For the Greeks the Euro was a fairy tale. Without the happy ending. Time to close the book, look reality in the face and move on.
Notably that would be bad for the rest of the Euro Zone so they are constantly trying to scare the Greeks into staying as 4th class citizens.
Interestingly I missed this little snippet in the FT article.
“It raises the question whether creditors are trying to bring about regime change in Athens.”
I'd say that has been a definite YES since January.